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Out with the old, in with the fly: Welcome to Dragonfly Heating & Cooling - formerly known as All Pro Air!

Golden State Comfort: Ensuring a Cozy Winter With Riverside Heating System Care 

In the heart of Riverside’s winter, where the days are crisp and the nights make you want to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket, the season’s charm is in full swing. In these cherished mid-winter moments, your home is calling you with the promise of warmth. The key to this uninterrupted warmth comes with a well-maintained heating system with Dragonfly Heating & Cooling’s heating services. It is working silently behind the scenes to create a sanctuary from the season’s frosty embrace. 

Navigating Winter Warmth: The Why’s and How’s of Heating System Care 

Maintaining a reliable heating system in Riverside is about so much more than repair and upkeep. You want it to help craft an environment that stands with you against the chill of California winters. This comprehensive care encompasses a series of critical checks and adjustments. It involves everything from the precise calibration of your thermostat to the meticulous cleaning of your air filters. 

Each part of the heating services is designed to ensure that your heating system is not just functioning but thriving. For Riverside residents, this means basking in the warmth of a well-tended home that promises efficiency and comfort throughout the cooler months. 

Ensuring Winter Warmth with Expert Heating System Care 

Heating services are your strategy for a winter defined by warmth and well-being. Here are the ways that regular attention to your heating system can transform your Riverside home into a haven of warmth and efficiency. 

  • Optimal Performance through Preventive Maintenance 
  • Maximizing Energy Savings with Efficiency Upgrades 
  • Enhancing Comfort with Duct Sealing and Insulation 
  • Promoting Healthier Living with Indoor Air Quality Enhancements 
  • Securing Peace of Mind with Emergency Preparedness 

Preventive Maintenance for Optimal Performance 

During Riverside’s winter, when every degree of warmth is a treasure, the role of regular heating maintenance becomes crystal clear. It’s about the ongoing, reliable performance of your heating system through the coldest months. 

  • Clean Filters, Clear Air: Regularly replacing or cleaning air filters is a simple step that maintains airflow and heat distribution, ensuring every corner of your home protects you against the cold. 
  • Seal the Leaks: Checking your ductwork for leaks and sealing them will help to prevent heat loss, and it is your defense against overworking your heating system. That means that it will deliver only what you need. 
  • Lubrication and Calibration: The smooth operation of moving parts and accurate thermostat settings mean your heating system isn’t working harder than it should, saving you from the worry of mid-winter malfunctions. 

This is all about ensuring that the comfort of your home is as constant and steadfast as the Riverside winter itself. 

Efficiency Upgrades for Energy Savings 

Upgrading to energy-efficient heating options can transform how your home uses energy. 

  • Modern Heating Systems: Embrace the advancements in heating technology with energy-efficient models that warm your home while also gifting you with lower utility bills. 
  • Incentives and Rebates: Take advantage of local rebates that make upgrading to efficient heating systems not just smart but also kind to your finances. 
  • Smart Controls: Programmable thermostats and intelligent heating controls are your partners in efficiency. They allow for the precise management of your home’s temperature and energy usage. 

This winter, let energy efficiency be the theme in your Riverside home. The right upgrades can make a world of difference, creating savings and sustainability. 

Duct Sealing and Insulation for Improved Comfort 

The efficiency of your home’s warmth is a top priority this time of year. You want to make sure that the heat isn’t just coming into your house but is reaching you. Properly sealed and insulated ductwork is what will make sure this is true for your home. 

  • Seal the Escapes: Professional sealing of ductwork stops warm air from sneaking out. That is how you know it will make it where you need it most, and it will keep your living space uniformly cozy. 
  • Insulate for Integrity: Insulation around ducts acts like a snug blanket, holding in the heat, preventing loss, and maximizing the efficiency of your heating system. 
  • Professional Assessment: An expert evaluation of your ductwork can identify hidden leaks and insulation gaps, providing targeted improvements for better warmth distribution. 

With these steps, the warm air in your home stays exactly where you need it, surrounding you with comfort that’s both felt and financially wise. 

Indoor Air Quality Enhancements for Healthier Living 

In the Riverside winter, while homes are sealed against the cold, the air inside can become a stale repository for allergens and irritants. Making sure that you have clean air is just as important as the warmth that fills your rooms. 

  • Purifiers as Protectors: Air purifiers serve as guardians against invisible airborne particles. They ensure that the air you breathe is as clean as a crisp winter’s morning. 
  • Humidity Helpers: The right humidity level can transform a room from a dry, static-charged space to an oasis of comfort, and humidifiers are the key to this transformation. 
  • Fresh Air Influx: Ventilation systems work silently but effectively to exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, subtly revitalizing your home’s atmosphere. 

In Riverside, maintaining indoor air quality isn’t just a seasonal task; it’s a cornerstone of a healthier, more comfortable home life. 

Emergency Preparedness for Peace of Mind 

Even the best-maintained Riverside heating systems can hiccup on the coldest of days. It’s these moments when a well-thought-out emergency plan provides more than comfort; it provides peace of mind.

  • Reliable HVAC Services: Knowing who to call when the unexpected happens ensures that help is just a phone call away, minimizing any discomfort. 
  • Alternative Heat Sources: Having backup heating options like space heaters or fireplace inserts means you’re ready, ensuring continuous warmth. 
  • Plan in Place: A clear, actionable emergency plan for heating failures keeps a minor inconvenience from becoming a major issue. 

With a strategy for the unexpected, you can enjoy the winter’s charm with confidence, knowing you’re prepared for whatever the season brings. 

Embrace Winter Assurance: Take Action for Your Heating System Now 

As the Riverside nights draw in and the temperature dips, taking action to secure the warmth and efficiency of your home is so much more than just a convenience. It is a necessity for your daily comfort. With winter already upon us, now is the time to ensure your heating system is in top condition, safeguarding your comfort and your pocketbook. 

Don’t let the cold catch you off guard. Reach out to us at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling and take the steps today to guarantee a warm tomorrow.

Heatless in Riverside: Unveiling the Common Culprits When Your Heater Fails

Last Updated On January 22. 2024 at 4:59 pm

Why Did My Heater Stop Working?

As fall colors embrace Riverside, the joy of a humming heater fills our homes. But what if it stops? When your heater suddenly stops, it could be due to various reasons. Common signs include thermostat issues, pilot light problems, or a malfunctioning motor. Dragonfly Heating & Cooling is here to quickly diagnose and address these heating issues, which can help with making an informed decision for restoring warmth to your home in Riverside, California. Be sure to reach out to us immediately for emergency repair services, and do not wait to act, it is best to resolve these issues for your home right away. Read our reviews to see why you should hire us to fix your heater and resolve HVAC issues that could cost you more in the long run.

Understanding Your Home’s Heating System

It’s important to grasp the basics of how your heating system operates. It’s a symphony of components working together— the furnace igniting warmth, the blower fan distributing it, and the thermostat regulating your home’s climate. Recognizing the harmony of these parts can empower you as a homeowner to detect when the performance hits a sour note, signaling the need for professional heating repair in Riverside, CA.

Common Culprits of Heater Failures

As the nights in Riverside grow cooler and the need for a warm, inviting home becomes ever more essential, understanding what can go wrong with your heater is key to preventing the discomfort of a cold snap. The complexity of modern heating systems means a variety of issues could arise, often when least expected. 

Here are some of the most common culprits of heater failures that homeowners may encounter and demonstrate how timely expertise from Dragonfly Heating & Cooling can swiftly bring back your comfort.

  • Ignition or Pilot Control Issues
  • Dirty or Clogged Filters
  • Thermostat Malfunctions
  • Mechanical Wear and Tear
  • Inadequate Maintenance

Ignition or Pilot Control Issues

When your Riverside home suddenly feels as chilly as a desert night, it could be due to ignition or pilot control issues with your heater. If you’re encountering difficulties with the pilot light, such as it not igniting or frequently going out, it’s a clear signal that your system needs a professional eye. 

Here at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we have the expertise to troubleshoot whether it’s a faulty ignition switch, a clogged pilot orifice, or a malfunctioning thermocouple. Attempting to fix these components yourself can be risky. Let us handle it safely and efficiently instead. Prompt heating repairs not only restore your comfort but also prevent gas leaks or further damage to your heater.

Dirty or Clogged Filters

A common adversary to your heater’s performance is a dirty or clogged filter, which can dramatically reduce airflow and overburden your system. If you’re noticing less air emanating from your vents or increased dust accumulation in your home, it’s time to check your filters. 

At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we advise our Riverside community to adopt a regular filter maintenance schedule, which we’re happy to assist with, to prevent such issues. A clean filter not only facilitates better heating efficiency but also enhances indoor air quality, making your home a haven of warmth and cleanliness.

Thermostat Malfunctions

The thermostat is the command center of your heating system, and when it malfunctions, it can lead to a cascade of heating woes. Inconsistent temperatures, the heater cycling too frequently, or no response to setting changes are all symptoms of a potential thermostat issue. Before you reach out to us, check to ensure it’s not a simple battery issue or incorrect settings. 

However, for more complex problems, Dragonfly Heating & Cooling is equipped to diagnose and rectify them, ensuring your thermostat accurately triggers the cozy warmth that your Riverside home requires.

Mechanical Wear and Tear

As with any frequently used machinery, the moving parts of your heater are subject to wear and tear, especially during the cooler months in Riverside when your unit works overtime. This natural deterioration can manifest as strange noises, such as banging or whirring, or even heat inconsistency. 

Regular wear can affect the blower motor, fan belts, and bearings, all critical to the smooth operation of your heating system. Dragonfly Heating & Cooling’s seasoned technicians are adept at identifying these mechanical issues and replacing any worn parts, ensuring your heater operates as quietly and effectively as when it was first installed. 

Keep in mind that addressing these issues early on with our professional maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your heater and maintain its efficiency.

Inadequate Maintenance

Skipping regular maintenance is a surefire way to invite unexpected breakdowns. A heater is like a car—it needs routine check-ups to run reliably. Neglecting such care can lead to a build-up of dirt and debris, strained components, and, ultimately, a shortened system lifespan. 

We cannot overstate the importance of a regular maintenance schedule, which not only heads off potential problems but also keeps your heating costs in check. For homeowners in Riverside, CA, taking a proactive approach to heater upkeep with our expert team can mean the difference between a minor service visit and a major system overhaul.

The Importance of Timely Heating Repairs

Delaying heating repairs can be tempting, but the consequences often lead to more than just a chilly night in Riverside. Swift action at the first sign of trouble not only restores comfort but also guards against larger, more expensive problems down the road. Here are a few key reasons why prompt heating repair matters:

  • Prevent Escalating Damage: Minor issues can quickly become major malfunctions if ignored, potentially leading to complete system failure.
  • Efficiency and Cost Savings: Timely repairs ensure your heating system operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy usage and lowering monthly bills.
  • Safety: Some heating issues can pose safety risks, including carbon monoxide leaks; immediate heating repairs prioritize your household’s well-being.

With Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, you have a partner in protecting the lifespan and performance of your heating system. Don’t let a small hiccup turn into a full-blown crisis—our swift, professional service is just a call away.

Secure Your Warmth With Dragonfly’s Trusted Heating Repair Services

Don’t let the chill linger in your Riverside home. At the first sign of heater trouble, turn to the experts at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling. We’re here to provide fast, effective solutions to all your heating repair needs, ensuring your comfort is never disrupted. Get in touch with us today, and let us ensure your heater is prepared to battle the cold all season long.

Key Signs Your Riverside Home Needs Heating Replacement

As the gentle winter chill descends upon Riverside, CA, warming traditions come to life—from gathering around the fireplace to enjoying the festive lights in Town Square. 

Just as these seasonal joys hinge on the spirit of the community, the warmth of your home depends on a reliable heating system. But when that trusty system begins to falter, the comfort of your home is compromised.

We’ll illuminate the top signs for homeowners for when it is time to consider a heating unit replacement, ensuring that your abode remains a cozy haven throughout the cooler months.

Understanding When to Upgrade Your Heating System

A heating system is the silent sentinel of your home’s comfort, often overlooked until it starts showing signs of wear

As we service the homes of Riverside, the importance of recognizing the tell-tale signals of a system in decline cannot be understated. Your heating system may be due for a replacement so learn how Dragonfly Heating & Cooling can restore your home’s warmth and efficiency.

Identifying the Need for Heating Replacement

While Riverside’s winters may be mild, the need for a functional heating system remains a cornerstone of home comfort. Knowing when to repair and when to replace can save you time, money, and cold nights. 

Let’s explore the unmistakable signs that indicate your heating system’s best days are behind it.

  • Age of the Heating System 
  • Frequent Repairs and Maintenance 
  • Increased Energy Bills 
  • Inconsistent Heating or Comfort Issues 

Age of the Heating System

Just as a classic car might begin to show its age, even with the best care, so too can your heating system. After years of faithful service, it may not run as efficiently as it once did, with parts wearing down and technology becoming outdated. 

In these moments, heating replacement in Riverside, CA, becomes not just a consideration, but a necessary step to maintain your home’s warmth and energy efficiency

At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we can help you gauge whether your system’s golden years have come to an end, considering not just the calendar but also how advancements in heating technology could enhance your living space in Riverside, CA.

Frequent Repairs and Maintenance

When the frequency of repairs starts to rival the number of your HVAC system’s operational days, it’s a clear indicator that your system might be due for an overhaul. The money and time invested in these stopgap fixes could be more strategically spent on a new, more efficient system. 

With Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we’re not just about patching up problems—we’re about offering sustainable HVAC solutions that ensure your system is reliable when you need it the most without the recurring costs and headaches of constant repairs.

Increased Energy Bills

A surge in energy bills can often be the first red flag waving high that your heating system may be falling behind the times. It’s like that old refrigerator in the garage that’s suddenly costing more to run than its cooling, and your heating system can guzzle energy just the same when it is losing its efficiency. And it’s not just about the spike in costs. It’s about what that spike represents: A heating system that could be working overtime to provide the comfort you’ve always enjoyed. 

At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, our detailed energy assessments aim to pinpoint the inefficiencies, whether they’re due to an aging furnace or a heat pump that’s seen better days, providing you with the information needed to decide on heating replacement in Riverside, CA. 

By addressing these inefficiencies, you’re not only reducing your bills but also contributing to a greener Riverside, CA, with a heating system that aligns with contemporary energy standards.

Inconsistent Heating or Comfort Issues

When your home starts to have more climates than a map—one room’s tropical, the next is arctic —it’s a clear indication that your heating system may be struggling. Consistent comfort in your home shouldn’t be a luxury. It should be a given. This inconsistency can point to a myriad of issues, from an aging system that’s losing its touch to ductwork that’s distributing air as unevenly as a faulty sprinkler system. 

Here at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we do more than merely identify the symptoms. We get to the root of the problem, ensuring that your Riverside, CA, HVAC isn’t just working but working optimally for your space. 

We’re here to help you evaluate whether it’s time for a repair or a full system upgrade, ensuring that every room in your home is just as comfortable and inviting as the Riverside, CA, sunsets.

Benefits of Heating Replacement

Embarking on a heating replacement might seem daunting, but it can usher in a host of benefits for your Riverside, CA, home. A new heating system isn’t just about warmth—it’s about embracing a more energy-efficient lifestyle, reducing those monthly bills, and enjoying a quieter, more responsive comfort. You’ll find that newer models are designed with the latest technology that not only heats your home more evenly but also improves the overall air quality, which is a boon for any household member sensitive to allergens or dust. 

With Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, replacing your old system means upgrading to smart, customizable controls that cater to your lifestyle and preferences, ensuring that your home’s warmth is just a touch away. Plus, the reliability of a new system means less worry about mid-winter breakdowns, giving you peace of mind and more time to enjoy the season.

Secure Your Comfort with Dragonfly Heating & Cooling

Deciding to replace your heating system is a significant home improvement decision, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right information and a team you can trust, like Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, you can make the choice that’s right for your home in Riverside, CA. If you notice any of these signs, reach out to us. Be sure to also read our reviews and see why you can trust us to do the right job.

We’re here to ensure your HVAC maintenance leads to lasting comfort and efficiency, keeping your family warm for many winters to come. Don’t let an aging heating system leave you in the cold. Contact us today to explore your options for heating replacement.

Steps for Winterizing Your Home’s Heating System

No matter what type of heating system your home has, it is important that you take some steps to winterize it and get it ready for winter. Winterizing a heating system essentially means fully inspecting and servicing it, and this is something that you should have a licensed HVAC company take care of. This guide will explain all of the necessary steps in servicing and winterizing heating systems that run on either a gas furnace or heat pump and why each one is important.


One essential part of getting your heating system ready for winter is to replace the air filter. This is really the only winterizing step you can effectively do on your own. It is always important that you replace or wash the air filter before you turn your heating system on for the first time in the fall or winter. If you have both central heating and central air conditioning in your home, the same air filter functions for both systems. In this case, you can be fairly certain that the air filter is quite dirty from running your air conditioning all summer so you should definitely replace it or clean it if you use a washable filter instead of the standard disposal filter. Even if your home doesn’t have central AC, you should still replace the air filter as it will have accumulated lots of dust since you last had your system running.


Residential air conditioning unit with snow in winter.


Replacing the air filter is important as it ensures that your heating system has proper airflow. Almost no air can flow through a filter when it gets overly dirty, and this lack of airflow will greatly increase your energy bills and make your heating system work far less effectively. A dirty air filter can also lead to overheating or various other issues that could cause your heating system to keep shutting off or breaking down. As such, it is important to replace the filter at the start of the heating system and then again at least every two or three months.


If your home has a gas furnace, you should always have it serviced by a certified HVAC technician sometime in the fall. Maintaining your furnace will ensure it works safely. It is also important for the effectiveness and energy efficiency of your heating system. Regular maintenance can also help save you money on furnace repairs and allow your furnace to last much longer. With all that in mind, here are the steps involved in maintaining a gas furnace.


When servicing and maintaining your furnace, our technicians will fully clean both the gas burners and the flame sensor. Cleaning the flame sensor is essential for ensuring the furnace continues to run after it first lights. When the sensor is dirty, it often won’t sense the heat coming from the burners. If this happens, the gas flow will stop and the furnace will shut back down almost immediately.

Cleaning the burners is important for ensuring that the furnace always lights immediately and burns cleanly. If the burner ports are dirty and partially clogged, there may be a delay in ignition. This will lead to a dangerous fireball forming in the combustion chamber when the gas finally ignites. Dirty burners can also lead to incomplete combustion, which can cause the furnace to produce carbon monoxide. Any time the gas doesn’t combust fully, the furnace will also produce less heat and not work nearly as effectively.


Inspecting the exhaust flue and heat exchanger are also essential parts of maintaining a gas furnace and will help to prevent combustion fumes and carbon monoxide from leaking out into your home. Heat exchangers can sometimes crack due to overheating or simply because of age. This will allow harmful combustion fumes to escape and leak into your duct system. If the heat exchanger is cracked, you’ll generally need to replace your furnace. Replacing a heat exchanger is extremely expensive and will end up costing you about the same as you’d pay to install a brand-new furnace.

Professional technicians will also inspect the exhaust flue to ensure it isn’t damaged or clogged. They will also use a match or smoke pencil to test whether the flue is venting properly. This is again essential for preventing the combustion fumes from escaping and leaking out into the surrounding area.


Modern furnaces have a number of safety switches and other switches that enable them to run and work safely. Technicians use a voltmeter to test and make sure all of the switches are working as they should. Testing the high-temperature limit switch is especially important for ensuring the furnace always shuts down if it overheats so that it doesn’t suffer damage or possibly start a fire. Most newer furnaces also have a flame rollout sensor. This should be tested as well to ensure the furnace will shut down immediately if the flames ever escape or “roll out” of the combustion chamber.


If your home has a heat pump that you use for heating, it should be fully inspected, serviced, and winterized each fall. As part of this service, our technicians will fully clean and inspect the evaporator coil and condenser coil to ensure they aren’t leaking. Cleaning the coils is also important for preventing the heat pump from freezing up as often.

They will also check the refrigerant level in the system to make sure it isn’t too low. Not enough refrigerant will make the system far less effective and can lead to it freezing up and not working. Low refrigerant charge almost always indicates that the system is leaking since it is a closed loop. The refrigerant level should always remain the same. If the charge is low, technicians will need to repair the leak and then recharge the system so your heat pump works again correctly.


No matter whether you have a furnace or a heat pump, you will also want to have technicians inspect all of your home’s air ducts to ensure they are properly sealed and not leaking air due to damage. They’ll also make sure that the air pressure in the duct system is balanced, which is important for ensuring the blower can work effectively and properly circulate air throughout your home. Checking the ductwork is essential for making sure your heating system works efficiently as air leaks can reduce its energy efficiency by as much as 30%.


The last step in servicing and winterizing a heating system is for technicians to make sure your thermostat is calibrated properly and working correctly. Cleaning and calibrating the thermostat will ensure that it accurately reads the temperature in your home so that it correctly signals your heating system to turn on and off when it should. After testing the thermostat, our technicians will then turn your heating system on and measure the temperature of the air coming out of your vents just to make fully certain that the system is heating effectively.

If you’re looking to get your home’s heating system ready for winter, All Pro Air is always ready to help. Our certified technicians are experts in furnace and heat pump maintenance and will do everything it takes to make sure your heating system is ready to go. We also offer professional furnace and heat pump installation and repairs as well as a full range of air conditioning and indoor air quality services for residential customers in Riverside and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to get your heating system inspected and serviced and ensure your home stays comfortable all winter long.

The Top 5 Best Smart Thermostats In Riverside, CA

A thermostat is a device that regulates temperature in households. It works by sensing and comparing the current temperature to the set temperature. When the set temperature exceeds the actual temperature, heating systems such as radiators or furnaces switch on. When the set temperature is lower than the actual temperature, the thermostat activates cooling systems such as air conditioning units, which then reduce the room’s temperature.



Man checking thermostat with a woman


Smart thermostats are a revolutionary way to control your home’s temperature. These automatic digital devices adjust the temperature in your home based on your preferences and energy-saving goals. You can program them to turn the heat down when you’re away or up when you’re home from work.

You can also connect smart thermostats to Wi-Fi. This feature allows you to remotely control the temperature in your home using a smartphone or computer. Smart thermostats can be programmed to learn your daily habits and preferences.

With their energy-saving features, smart thermostats can help you save up to 20% on your monthly energy bill. Many come with remote access features, scheduling, and geofencing. They allow the device to detect when you’re away from home and adjust the temperature to save energy. Some types of smart thermostats can also increase the comfort level in your home by monitoring indoor air quality.


Different types of smart thermostats are available today, each with unique features and benefits. Here are the five top smart thermostats in the market today.


The Honeywell Home T9 Smart Thermostat is a revolutionary device that offers convenience and efficiency for all homeowners. This advanced thermostat allows users to adjust their home temperature from anywhere worldwide.

Its sleek design provides optimal comfort and energy savings. Its large display screen and intuitive user interface make it easy to control your home’s temperature, humidity, and air quality. With its advanced geofencing technology, the T9 automatically adjusts to the most energy-efficient settings when you’re away.

This device is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit for seamless voice commands. It has an easy setup and a T9 app which you can use for temperature control.

The T9 smart thermostat takes the hassle out of home heating and cooling. It learns your home’s temperature patterns and adjusts temperatures during the day and night with minimal input from you. Additionally, you’ll receive alerts when it’s time to change your filters or repair any part of your system.


The Mysa Smart Thermostat is an advanced, highly intuitive device. The Mysa monitors the temperature inside and outside the home. It then automatically adjusts its settings to maximize efficiency and comfort.

It also provides detailed information about energy consumption, allowing homeowners to better understand the performance of their HVAC systems. You can integrate Mysa with voice commands and smart home devices for a hands-free user experience.


The Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium is the perfect choice for homes and businesses that want to reduce their energy consumption and save money. This advanced thermostat features a sleek, intuitive touchscreen display. Its features include detailed energy usage reports, scheduling options, and smart home device integration.

It also provides a range of temperature control modes, from efficient and precise to more energy-intensive settings. The thermostat is compatible with traditional gas and oil furnaces, air conditioning systems, heat pumps, boilers, and water heaters.

This technology features an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to adjust and control your home’s temperature with a few simple clicks. The Smart Thermostat Premium also offers remote access, so you can monitor the temperature anywhere in the world using your smartphone or tablet.


The Google Nest Learning Thermostat third edition is an intelligent home device. It uses advanced algorithms and sensors to adjust the temperature in your home based on the conditions inside and outside.

The thermostat also learns from your habits and preferences. It alters the temperature for you, eliminating guesswork and ensuring your home is always comfortable. It also integrates with other Nest devices like the Nest Protect smoke alarm and Nest Cam security camera to monitor and control your home from anywhere.


The Amazon Smart Thermostat is the perfect way to automate your home’s climate control and reduce energy consumption. With its easy-to-use interface, you can set your desired temperature, and the advanced thermostat automatically adjusts the heating or cooling with 1 degree of accuracy.

It has adjustable scheduling and system diagnostics to create a comfortable environment in your space. Connect to Alexa for improved convenience and voice control. Use any Amazon Smart Home app to set temperatures, check system status, and view your energy history.

The Amazon Smart Thermostat also has an intuitive scheduling system. It allows you to set temperatures for different times and days of the week to provide optimum comfort. The programmable temperature boost feature warms or cools the house to a desired temperature in less than 10 minutes. The built-in Energy Savings Mode saves money by managing energy consumption during peak times of the day.


Smart thermostats are becoming popular and for a good reason. Here’s a look at some of the pros and cons of smart thermostats:



Smart thermostats are designed for energy savings. They do this by automatically adjusting the temperature based on your preferences and when you’re home or away. They use sensors to detect occupancy and adjust the temperature, reducing energy consumption when no one is home. You can also connect smart thermostats to your home’s heating and cooling system.


Smart thermostats allow room-by-room settings and temperature adjustment. You can customize your home’s temperature depending on where you are and what activity occurs in each area. If you’re watching TV in the living room, you can set the thermostat to a cozy temperature and cooler while spending time in the bedroom.


Smart thermostats have remote control access. You can use your phone, computer, or tablet to control your home’s temperature anywhere. You can also program your smart thermostat with schedules tailored to your needs.



Smart thermostats are more expensive than traditional models. They also require extra investment in installation fees. These devices can range anywhere from $150 to $400, depending on the model and features included. Many smart thermostats also require a subscription to access all their features.


Many of these devices rely on a home internet connection for full functionality. If your Wi-Fi goes out, you may only be able to access limited features of your device. Additionally, many models require an app or companion program to access all features. This requirement may be complex for those who are not tech-savvy.

We are the experts in smart thermostat installation in Riverside, CA. With years of experience and cutting-edge technology, All Pro Air provides quality HVAC services. Our team of professionals is well-trained in all aspects of smart thermostat installation and will ensure they get the job done right. Our installation services guarantee you will enjoy your unit’s features and benefits for years. Contact All Pro Air today for more information about our HVAC and smart thermostat installation, repair, and maintenance services in Riverside, CA.

The Benefits Of Heat Pumps In California

California’s Mediterranean climate offers warm summers and mild winters. No matter what you prefer—from winter snow to muggy summers—the Golden State has something for everyone. It is beneficial for homeowners to efficiently warm or cool your home as the seasons change, and heat pump systems are the perfect solution. At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we believe that a heat pump can be an excellent choice for all your cooling and heating needs.

With an energy-efficient heat pump, you’ll be able to beat the cold or heat and enjoy a comfortable home in Riverside, CA and surrounding areas all year round.

What Is A Heat Pump?

A heat pump is a heating and cooling system that maintains the temperature in your home. During winter, a heat pump extracts heat from the air outside and moves it into your home to increase the temperature. In the summer, a heat pump works in reverse direction. It takes the heat inside your home and sends it outside to keep you cool. Heat pumps in Riverside, CA and surrounding areas work best in mild and moderate climates. Much of California’s climate is moderate, making it the perfect environment for heat pumps.

When you need heat pump installation, repair, replacement, or maintenance in Riverside, CA, you can rely on us. At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, our pro technicians are committed to ensuring your heat pump in Riverside, CA performs at its best and keeps your home comfortable all year.

Reasons To Install A Heat Pump In California

When properly installed, a heat pump offers many benefits, most of which you’ll notice immediately. We list all the top benefits of having Dragonfly Heating & Cooling install one in your Riverside, CA, home. The advantages include:

  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • Two-in-one system
  • Environmental friendly
  • Rebates and incentives

Increased Energy Efficiency

Homeowners in California are turning to heat pumps because they’re more efficient than conventional cooling and heating systems. Heat pumps absorb and transfer heat from one space to another rather than generating hot or cold air. For this reason, they use significantly less energy than furnaces and air conditioners. In fact, a heat pump can transfer 300 percent more energy than it consumes.

This super-efficient system means lower monthly energy bills and more cost savings for you. Additionally, improved energy efficiency can reduce heat pump repairs in Riverside, CA and surrounding areas. Since you only need one for all your heating and cooling needs, the savings are year-round.

Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Heat pumps are designed to circulate and combine inside air with outside air, improving air quality indoors. These efficient systems filter the air, trapping pollutants and allergens that could worsen IAQ. More than that, a heat pump dehumidifies your home, further enhancing your indoor air quality in Riverside, CA.

Maintaining positive IAQ significantly minimizes negative health issues like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Good indoor air quality also increases the comfort of your home greatly. With regular heat pump maintenance in Riverside, CA from our expert technicians, your heat pump will provide your home with cleaner, healthier air throughout the year.

Two-in-One System

You don’t need an air conditioner when you have a heat pump. Heat pump installation in Riverside, CA eliminates the need to own two systems to heat and cool your home. So, if you’re searching for an all-in-one HVAC system, a heat pump is a great purchase. A heat pump can help you save money because you won’t need to install and operate different systems.

Environmental Friendly

If you want to ensure your home is sufficiently cooled or heated without damaging the environment, heat pumps are the way to go. Installing a heat pump offers numerous environmental benefits. Heat pumps use around a third of the energy that standard AC units do, making them a more environmentally friendly alternative. These systems also don’t depend on fossil fuels. Instead, they run on electricity.

Heat pumps are not only sustainable in fuel consumption but they can also be powered by solar energy. As a result, they’re able to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, reducing your carbon footprint.

Rebates and Incentives

It doesn’t matter if you’re on a budget. An energy-efficient heat pump is worth your consideration. The state of California has incentive and rebate programs for homeowners who install energy-efficient heat pumps. These programs can considerably offset the initial cost of buying and installing a heat pump in your home, making it a more affordable option. Homeowners can enjoy all the benefits of green technology while remaining within your budget.

Heat Pumps Incentives and Rebates

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022. The IRA bill includes substantial funding—$370 billion—to encourage clean energy sources that can increase energy efficiency. The Act aims to decrease carbon emissions by approximately 40 percent by 2030. California Governor Gavin Newson took immediate action to achieve the climate goals set by the IRA. Governor Newson is keen on electrifying everything to create a greener, more sustainable future. If you’re thinking about going green, a heat pump is an excellent place to start.

The IRA is jam-packed with provisions to encourage homeowners to install high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment. The largest rebates and credits are available for heat pumps. Installing a heat pump can get you thousands in state rebates and federal tax credits. Right now, you could receive a tax credit worth 30 percent of the total amount you paid for your heat pump. The incentives would be through a state-administered rebate on any heat pump model.

This is the perfect time to take advantage of these rebates and incentives. By switching to an electric heat pump, you’ll save thousands of dollars and help in the fight against climate change.

Cool and Heat Your Home The Greener, Cleaner Way

Deciding what kind of heat pump you want in your home for the next 15 to 20 years can feel overwhelming. Fear not, because Dragonfly Heating & Cooling’s experienced technicians are here to help you choose the right energy-efficient system that will keep your home comfortable no matter the season. Contact the Dragonfly team today for more information on heat pumps in Riverside, CA.

What Happens When A Furnace Runs Without A Filter?


There’s probably a lot that you don’t know about the furnace in your Riverside, California home. For instance, did you know that its filter is actually for protecting its internal components rather than cleaning your indoor air? Furnace air filters are essential for keeping residential heating systems running as they should. Thus, if you think that your indoor air quality (IAQ) is the only thing that will suffer if you fail to put a filter in, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Read on to find out what happens when furnaces are turned on without the protection that air filters provide.


To start, it’s important to think about why furnace manufacturers deliver their products with filters pre-installed. When furnaces are produced, they’re immediately equipped with standard air filters that have modest maximum efficiency reporting value (MERV) ratings. These filters can only pick up relatively large-sized airborne particulates such as:

  • Dust
  • Pet hair
  • Dander
  • Pollen

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bacteria, viruses, and other micro-sized particulates pass right through them. If you want air filtration that’s capable of picking these things up, it’s your job to find and install a higher-rated filter.

The sole goal of the filters that manufacturers provide is to prevent coatings of dust from causing your furnace to overheat. This allows furnace producers to deliver products that can live out their expected lifespans and provide the performance promised by their efficiency ratings without sustaining undue wear. Although letting your furnace run with a dirty, clogged filter can cause a host of problems and may even result in outright system failure, failing to put a filter in at all can be just as bad.

Failing to keep this important component in or failing to change it on a regular basis will automatically void your product warranty. Heating equipment manufacturers will not pay to replace or repair damaged furnaces that have been operated sans filters. If you have a home warranty that covers your HVAC system, the protections provided for your furnace from this agreement will become void as well.


Furnaces don’t run efficiently without filters. Not only do buildups of dust and other debris settle on their internal components and cause overheating, but they also find their way into HVAC ductwork. Adding dander and other particulates to this environment creates the perfect conditions for mold to thrive. As dirt accumulates within the ribbed, aluminum tubing that HVAC ductwork is composed of, condensation will build. Once mold spores take root and proliferate in this perpetually damp space, your IAQ will indeed go down. Moreover, all heated or cooled air that gets pushed through your ducting will distribute your fast-growing problem to every corner of your home. Having moldy HVAC ductwork and a moldy living environment overall will further decrease the efficiency and health of your furnace.


Dirty, dust-covered filters cause decreased airflow. They make furnaces work harder to push air into and through your ducting. It stands to reason then that removing the obstruction by simply taking your filter out would improve airflow rather than impede it.

Consider the last time you performed an air filter change. Even when homeowners are diligent about changing their filters out, these units are coated in layers upon layers of dark-gray grime. These lint-like accumulations are often riddled with pet hair, carpet fibers, and more. Without a filter, all of this matter will travel through your heating equipment and your HVAC ductwork. Although it won’t get caught on the filter, it will collect on every other surface throughout the system. Eventually, your furnace will again have a hard time forcing air through this accumulated debris, and problems with low airflow and overheating will still occur.

When airflow decreases, furnaces can run for a long time without having a noticeable impact on indoor temperatures. They may short-cycle as they rapidly overheat and then turn themselves off to cool back down. If you run your furnace without a filter for too long, its motor could burn out.


There are several reasons why people run their furnaces without air filters. In rare instances, disposable furnace filters are too dirty to continue using. These filters aren’t made to be cleaned, and replacements are sometimes difficult to find. However, once a clogged furnace filter is taken out, the heating system should be shut down entirely. It shouldn’t be turned back on until a new filter has been put in.

If you’ve just purchased existing construction, you may be surprised to discover that your furnace doesn’t have a filter at all. While it makes sense to assume that property sellers always put fresh filters into their heating equipment before putting their homes on the market, this assumption could cause serious issues if you never check. Before using your heater for the first time, make sure that there’s a properly sized filter in place, that it’s installed correctly, and that it’s free of accumulated grime.

There are also times when furnace filters are incorrectly installed. This might be the result of slipshod workmanship on the part of a hired handyman or HVAC provider, or it could be that the prior homeowner wasn’t quite sure how to replace this component. Sometimes, homeowners choose furnace filters that are too large or too small and then bend them to fit. Improperly sized filters will fall out as soon as furnaces are turned on and they’re subjected to air movement and changes in air pressure. Having an incorrectly sized filter in place or a filter that’s incorrectly installed is much the same as having no filter at all.

Finally, the most common reason for using a furnace without a filter is simply forgetting to replace this component after you’ve extracted a dirty one. You may have been interrupted by an unexpected visitor or phone call during the middle of this task and simply forgot to pick it back up. It’s easy to get distracted during the course of this ongoing maintenance task. This is especially true if you’ve got a busy, bustling household that’s filled with active children and rambunctious pets.


Replacing a dirty air filter can be an annoying, recurring chore. This is a task that most homeowners should perform once every three months. In households with one or more pets, homes in perpetually dusty environments, and buildings with residents who suffer from asthma or allergies, filter changes are best done once each month. In all instances, changing an air filter is always cheaper and easier than either letting dirt accumulate until a blockage occurs or simply taking a filter out and never putting it back in. When airborne particulates aren’t caught by HVAC air filters, the interior of your furnace and all of your HVAC ductwork must be cleaned. More importantly, if you run your furnace without a filter for too long, your entire heating system may need to be replaced.

At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we make it easy to stay on top of essential furnace maintenance. We’ve been serving residents of Riverside, California and the surrounding area for many years. We offer heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services. We also provide ductless mini-splits and preventative maintenance plans. Get in touch with us today!

Why Is Your Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

A furnace blowing cold air in your Riverside home could be a big problem. When a furnace isn’t producing hot air, it has one of a handful of common issues that an HVAC technician can quickly address.


It could be your thermostat that is generating the problem. If so, the solution could be as simple as flipping a switch.

Suppose the thermostat is switched to “on,” and your furnace occasionally blows cold air. The reason is that your furnace is not producing heat nonstop.

The burners are activated and send warm air through your ductwork when the thermostat indicates that the temperature in your home is lower than your desired temperature setting. Once the temperature hits the desired setting, your furnace turns off until the temperature drops again.

If the fan is set to “on” constantly, it will blow air even when your furnace is resting. It’s better to set the fan to “auto.” This way, the fan will only blow when the furnace produces hot air.

Another easy-to-fix problem is that your battery-powered thermostat has a low battery. It is easy to forget to check the battery because thermostat batteries can last for years. Check the batteries before contacting an HVAC professional if your furnace is pushing out cold air.

There are thermostat issues where it is best to reach out to the technicians at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling for help. For example, you may have installed a home thermostat incompatible with your HVAC system. Or a do-it-yourself thermostat installation may not have turned out as well as hoped. In these cases, don’t worry. Our professional technicians will be able to sort out the issue, identify its cause, and provide clear solutions.


The condensate lines of your HVAC system require regular maintenance. They are part of what our HVAC technicians at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling check during our annual inspection of your unit. If your HVAC system is functioning during hot weather, the condensate unit is constantly dripping water into the pan. Over the summer, your condensate lines can get plugged with dirt and grime. When they get clogged, the water level rises, the float switch is tripped and your HVAC system shuts down.

Grime buildup tends to peak towards the end of the warm weather, right before you want to use your furnace. Consequently, since the float switch is tripped, it starts blowing cold air when you turn your furnace on. Prevent this by scheduling regular annual maintenance for your HVAC unit.


Your pilot light ensures that there is constantly a flame source to ignite the burners in the furnace. This allows heat to be created within the furnace and distributed throughout the home.

A pilot light can get blown out or go out on its own. All it takes, especially on older units, is a stiff breeze or someone walking quickly by the furnace at the right moment to cause this. If the gas company was performing maintenance on the lines, they might have caused your pilot light to go out.

Your furnace might need to be cleaned. If the small orifice that fuels the pilot light is dirty, it can impact how it burns. If you notice that your pilot light is constantly going out, it could be that it is not getting enough fuel to sustain itself.

If your pilot light is burning yellow or red, this is an indication that it is not getting enough fuel. An adequately fueled pilot light will burn bright blue. To keep your furnace working at peak efficiency and ensure that all parts are clean and in working order, you should have professional maintenance and duct cleaning scheduled at least once a year.


If your burners cannot ignite, or if they don’t stay lit, your furnace will have problems generating heat. Burners need airflow to ignite. The airflow comes from the blower fan pulling in the air.

If this airflow is hampered because of an issue with the blower or a clog in the furnace filters, the burners may not be able to ignite or stay lit for long. Most homeowners feel comfortable changing a dirty furnace filter. However, a faulty blower is something that will require the assistance of a professional HVAC technician.

Faulty flame sensors are another common reason why burners won’t stay on. A flame sensor is designed to keep you safe by ensuring that the gas coming through the burners is ignited. When the sensors do not detect flames, they automatically turn off the gas flow. Unburned gas won’t flood the combustion chamber and lead to a possible emergency.

If a flame sensor malfunctions, it may think that a burner is not ignited and shut the gas off. A dirty flame sensor requires professional cleaning, and a damaged unit must be professionally repaired or replaced.

Another safety feature that could affect your burners is the limit switch. This activates if the heat exchanger gets too hot by turning off the gas and power to the furnace.

The limit switch could be triggered if a clogged filter prevents sufficient air circulation from cooling down the heat exchanger, or it could be an issue with the furnace’s ability to vent combustion gas from the heat exchanger. Either way, you will want professional HVAC technicians to look at the problem as quickly as possible.


The air ducts are responsible for transporting warm air through the house and face wear and tear as they are often situated outside the heated part of the home. They are exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations throughout the year, leading to cracks or openings that allow the cold air surrounding your ducts to get in and the hot air to escape.

The outside air lowers the temperature of the air produced by the furnace, causing cooler air to circulate through your home. During your annual HVAC maintenance, our technicians will review your ductwork, identify places of potential weakness or damage, and offer actionable solutions.


A dirty, clogged filter may restrict the airflow to your furnace. This will limit the furnace’s ability to distribute warm air in your home. Your furnace might even have a built-in shut-off switch that activates when the furnace gets clogged and protects the burner from overheating or the blower from getting damaged. Furnace filters are cheap and easy to change. Replacing them can often solve furnace heating issues.


At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we do more than provide HVAC service. We help you identify the best option for your home and then guide you through the entire process. Our NATE- and NCI-certified technicians make the ideal team to help you with all of your HVAC needs.

Our services include heating and AC maintenance, installation, and repair. We are proud to offer UV lights, indoor air quality testing, and PTAC units. We work on existing and new construction. Contact Dragonfly Heating & Cooling today. Let us show you what makes us different than the rest.

4 Tips For Furnace Care In The New Year

When it comes to your heating system, there’s one rule that holds true: when you take proper care of it, it’s going to reward you with great results. Typically, these great results are going to come in the form of more effective heating, better energy efficiency, and far fewer costly repair jobs. Staying consistent about caring for your appliances can seem daunting, but there’s no reason that keeping your furnace in good shape needs to be stressful or difficult. For the most part, it’s simply about establishing the right habits and paying attention to what your heating system is telling you. With the new year approaching, why not make a commitment to yourself and your household to give your heating system the care and attention it deserves?


Your furnace is a finely tuned machine, and it has many different components working hard together to keep you warm. As you would expect, these parts can become worn out or experience malfunctions over years of use. Because of this, it’s completely normal that your heating system is going to gradually lose its effectiveness and efficiency over time, especially if you’ve got the thermostat turned up regularly. The best way to combat this type of decline is with regular professional maintenance.

Generally speaking, you should try to schedule a maintenance visit for your heating system at least once a year. If you haven’t been consistent with it recently, the start of a new year is a great time to get back on track. When you call in a heating technician for maintenance, they will inspect your heater and make any possible adjustments to improve its heating ability. These tweaks will be aimed at keeping you warmer consistently as well as being more energy efficient. This will result in your monthly bills decreasing while your comfort level increases. The heating expert will also look for warning signs of anything that could be wrong with the appliance. In some cases, they’ll find something that they can take preventative measures against. You may even end up saving hundreds of dollars by preventing a major problem before it results in a system breakdown.


Before your home’s heater can distribute warm air through your ducts, vents, and into your living room or bedroom, all of that air must first pass through your HVAC filter. That filter has the essential task of catching the dust, pet dander, and other debris that inhabits the air before it goes through your furnace. This ensures that the heated air you end up breathing is as free of pollutants and irritants as possible. However, if you don’t clean or replace the filter on a regular basis, all of those contaminants start to accumulate and clog up the system. This is a major problem for your heating system because it makes it much harder to draw air through the filter. As a result, the amount of strain on your heater will go way up. This will decrease its energy efficiency, shorten its lifespan, and make malfunctions or breakdowns much more likely. It may also have a negative effect on the quality of the air you’re breathing.

To avoid that wasted money and damage to your furnace, all you need to do is make a habit of checking your HVAC filter each month. If the buildup of debris hasn’t gotten too bad, you’ll probably be okay just giving it a thorough cleaning. However, if it’s in bad shape or you’re uncertain, it’s best to go the safe route and replace it with a new filter.


To keep your heater healthier for the new year, another good habit to get into is giving it regular periods of rest. Just like any appliance or piece of equipment, your heating system is going to become worn down if it’s forced to operate constantly. When you regularly allow those components to rest, you’ll get far better results from the heater when you need to depend on it. One simple way to achieve this is by turning down the thermostat every night when you go to bed. If you’re bundled up under the covers, there’s no reason you should need the heater to be cranked up as high. By simply lowering the temperature five to 10 degrees Fahrenheit for those seven or eight hours each night, you can keep your furnace healthy and lower your monthly bills in the process.

Making use of your home’s curtains is another effective way to take some pressure off of your heater. Windows and glass doors tend to be a major source of heat escaping, but covering them up with curtains actually does a good job of keeping much of that warmth trapped inside. You can take advantage of this by closing all of your curtains in the evening. Typically, the extra heat those curtains trap should allow you to take some of the heating load off of your furnace. On the other hand, keep those curtains open wide when the sun is shining outside. The warmth from the sunlight will help keep you warm and diminish the need to crank up the heater.


The air vents in your home work together with your heating system to give you a consistent flow of clean, warm air. For this partnership to be effective, though, it’s important that the vents remain clean and clear of clogs. For one thing, excessive dust and debris in those vents will have a directly negative effect on the oxygen that you’re breathing. For your heater, the problem is that those particles of dust and other contaminants can build up in the vents or even work their way into your home’s ductwork. If neglected for long enough, this can result in clogs that prevent your heating system from effectively circulating air. This will have a negative impact on your comfort, your finances, and the health of your heater. Fortunately, all you need to do to avoid this is clean out the air vents each month. Simply remove the protective covers with a screwdriver, and use a vacuum with an extension hose to give each vent a thorough cleaning.

At Dragonfly Heating & Cooling, we have been a trusted supplier of home comfort services for the greater Orange County, CA, area since 2010. Our skilled technicians can provide your household with quality heating, cooling, and ductless mini-split services. Our team takes pride in being professional and experienced, and we always have the best interests of our customers in mind. We select our technicians and comfort specialists not only because they’re highly skilled but also because they share the values and visions that our company stands for. We have been providing the area with great products and services at competitive prices for over a decade, and we will strive to continue doing so for years to come.

Give us a call at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling today for more information about how we can improve your home comfort.

Pertinent Reasons For Frequent Changing of HVAC Filters

The efficiency of your air conditioning system has a lot to do with the state of the air filters it has in place. Over time, the filters in your HVAC system accumulate a lot of dirt, grime, and other impurities that it collects from your home. Dragonfly Heating & Cooling provides you with various factors that will determine how frequently you need to change your HVAC filters in Riverside, CA.


The air that is filtered through your HVAC system eventually comes back into the room. If the filters are not functioning properly, then a lot of impurities that can cause sickness will be spread in your Riverside home. Filters fill up with dust and other debris from the air, and you should change or clean them regularly, depending on your AC system. Those made of paper and cardboard are disposable, but there are others with metal frames that can be cleaned following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Although the packaging of a new AC filter mentions how long it should last, we suggest you take that date as the absolute maximum. The general recommendation is that the air filters in a home should be changed every 30 days if they are the cheaper fiberglass types. Some high-end pleated filters can last up to six months with average use without taking size or type into consideration. However, as a rule, make a point of changing your air filters every 90 days, if not earlier.

The circumstances of the frequency of the requirement for AC filter replacement vary depending on the usage. Filters in vacation houses located in rural areas with few occupants and no pets can last six to 12 months. An ordinary Riverside suburban home that has no pets can have filters changed every 90 days, but 60 days for a home with pets. If you have more than one pet or someone has allergies, then the filter change should be done every 20 to 45 days.

We at Dragonfly Heating & Cooling believe that there is more than just knowing the number of days that it takes for a filter to become obsolete. If you continue to ignore the filter, then it is not the only thing that will stop functioning properly. The dirt that is accumulating in the ducts will degrade other movable parts of the unit and make them run slower. The mechanics of your HVAC system will wear out faster than they would during normal use.

That is not all. Keep reading if you want to understand why Dragonfly Heating & Cooling recommends that you need to frequently change your AC filters.


Many people do not have a clue as to the actual function of filters in an HVAC system. Although standard HVAC filters trap dust and other impurities that are sucked into the ducts, they are not meant to purify the air that you breathe. Their main purpose is to protect the HVAC unit from destructive elements in the air that could damage the internal parts of the unit. This way, the unit can perform its intended functions (keeping you cool or warm) perfectly.

Whenever you detect the presence of more pollutants and particles in the air, it is a good idea to upgrade your air filters. During the flu and allergy season or when a nearby construction or home renovation is kicking up more dirt than usual, you need high-efficiency filters. The high-efficiency HVAC filters are designed to eradicate bacteria, allergens, mold, pollen, and even viruses. These kinds of filters, which are commonly known as HEPA (high-energy particulate air filters), need to be changed more often since they trap more debris and get clogged faster.

The things that should influence your decision and help you determine the frequency at which to change your HVAC filters include:

  • If anyone has allergens or asthma
  • The number and type of pets in your home
  • The presence of younger children
  • The number of people in your home
  • The type of AC filter you use
  • The level of indoor air pollution
  • Your rating of indoor air quality


Failure to change the HVAC filter will cause it to fail. It will stop filtering air properly, thus allowing dust and other contaminants to enter the unit. The dirt that gets into the system will cover important parts in the system, such as valves and motors. This will lead the HVAC system to draw more power while trying to function normally. Eventually, you will end up spending more on electricity, frequent breakdowns, repairs, and replacements.

High-efficiency filters (HEPA filters) have a finer mesh that captures tinier particles such as dander, pollen, allergens, and mold spores. If these filters are not changed frequently, then the result can be serious mold infestations. The air that goes through your AC system will contain germs, mold, and pollen that is spread throughout the house. This will make people sick. Dragonfly Heating & Cooling technicians always make a point of educating our customers about certain things like these for their well-being.

The essence of having an air conditioning system is to provide a conducive atmosphere for comfortable living or working. Besides allergies, asthmatic attacks, and flu, you might also suffer headaches, fatigue, hypertension, dizziness, sinus congestion, shortness of breath, coughing, and sneezing. Illness and discomfort affect productivity and it is expensive. You might also have to miss work, thus decreasing your income.


Changing your air filter is a simple process that can be accomplished within a few minutes. The first thing you need to do is turn off the AC unit to find the location of the filter. It is usually at the air handler or a return duct in your basement, utility closet, or attic.

Remove the grille that covers it and take out the fan. You might require a screwdriver to detach an access panel if it is in the air handler. Check the size and type of filter so that you can purchase the right one if you haven’t already. Take out the old filter and replace it with the new one. Return the grille and turn the system back on.


The expected lifespan of a reliable HVAC system is between 10 to 15 years, and some might slightly go beyond that. That lifespan duration can be shortened by more than five years if regular cleaning or replacing of the AC filters is not done. The cost of replacing and repairing broken parts of your system cannot compare to the minimal cost of air filters. Therefore, changing the filters is more logical than undergoing avoidable circumstances.

If you are a resident of Riverside and require any services related to heating and air conditioning, then Dragonfly Heating & Cooling is the best in the area. We offer high-quality installation, repair, and maintenance of all types of HVAC systems in Riverside and the surrounding area. Our team of expert technicians will help you through the whole process of deciding the best HVAC solution for your family. With NCI and NATE certification, we can provide you with safe, energy efficient, and compatible systems that meet your desired expectations.

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